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↠ Active ingredients
↠ Diodes bridges assemblies
↠ Limiting diodes (suppressors), ESD protection
↠ Suppressors
Suppressor 1.5KE15CA Protective diode 1.5kW 15V bidirectional
Issue rate: 5 pcs
(The ordered amount will be automatically rounded to 5 pcs)
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( -20,2%)
Pick up all 965 pcs for 2,06 UAH
965 pcs
For Online Orders
965 pcs
Рассеиваемая мощность
6.5 Вт
Пиковая рассеиваемая мощность
1.5 кВт
Рабочее напряжение
12.8 V
Напряжение ограничения (номинальное)
15 V
Напряжение ограничения (диапазон)
14.3 - 15.8 V
Максимальное импульсное напряжение
21.2 V
Максимальный импульсный ток
71 А
Ток утечки при рабочем напряжении
1 мкА
Количество линий ограничения
Способ монтажа
В отверстия
Protective diode 1.5kW 15V bidirectional
The data presented in the product description are for reference only and may differ from those indicated by the manufacturer.
To carry out technical calculations and obtain the exact parameters of the goods, use the datasheets from the manufacturer's website.
If you need additional information, or you found an error in the description, or have other questions about this product, then our manager will help you: Евгений ЗП
Молоток с стекловолоконой ручкой DELIXI DWJC-2202, 300гр
Product code: 050107
459,20 408,40 UAH
Remains: 5 pcs
Ключ разводной DELIXI DWBS-2174 8-72мм
Product code: 050099
532,20 492,30 UAH
Remains: 4 pcs
Ключ разводной DELIXI DWBS-2173 16-72мм
Product code: 050098
593,70 515,90 UAH
Remains: 3 pcs
Ключ разводной DELIXI DWBS-2172 8-72мм (дугообразный зуб)
Product code: 050097
423,90 384,80 UAH
Remains: 5 pcs
Ключ разводной DELIXI DWBS-2171 6/8-58/70мм
Product code: 050096
358,10 298,40 UAH
Remains: 5 pcs
Ключ разводной DELIXI DWBS-2170 6-70мм
Product code: 050095
306,50 289,10 UAH
Remains: 1 pc
Пистолет ручной заклепочный DELIXI BT-104 420мм
Product code: 050092
555,50 498,70 UAH
Remains: 1 pc
Пистолет ручной заклепочный DELIXI 2420 250мм
Product code: 050091
258,00 215,00 UAH
Remains: 1 pc
Клещи зажимные DELIXI DWGR-2626 185мм
Product code: 050085
257,10 199,90 UAH
Remains: 9 pcs
Труборез DELIXI DWGD-2347 для пластиковых труб 32-64мм
Product code: 050083
818,60 739,50 UAH
Remains: 1 pc
Труборез DELIXI для пластиковых труб 33мм
Product code: 050080
129,00 107,50 UAH
Remains: 1 pc
Просекатель револьверный DELIXI круг 3.5-4.5мм, овал 6-8х4, 7х4.5мм
Product code: 050079
619,10 524,50 UAH
Remains: 10 pcs
Просекатель револьверный DELIXI отверстие 2.0-4.5 мм
Product code: 050078
548,20 464,30 UAH
Remains: 9 pcs
Кримпер-стриппер DELIXI DWBX-2081
Product code: 050077
307,40 258,00 UAH
Remains: 4 pcs
Кабелерез-стриппер DELIXI DWBX-2079
Product code: 050076
305,20 277,30 UAH
Remains: 3 pcs
Стриппер-кримпер DELIXI DWBX-2076
Product code: 050042
296,60 227,90 UAH
Remains: 9 pcs
Стриппер-кримпер DELIXI DWBX-2082
Product code: 050040
386,90 340,90 UAH
Remains: 7 pcs
Стриппер-ножницы по жести DELIXI DWBX-2083
Product code: 050039
308,70 262,30 UAH
Remains: 6 pcs
Распылительная головка-щётка для спрея CRAMOLIN
Product code: 051747
112,20 98,85 UAH
Remains: 49 pcs
Кнопка щитовая XB2-BS542 1NC 10A Красная
Product code: 039706
85,98 70,08 UAH
Remains: 68 pcs
Дополнительный блок контакт XB2-BE102C NC 10A
Product code: 039695
25,80 21,50 UAH
Remains: 1 pc
Дополнительный блок контакт XB2-BE101C NO 10A
Product code: 039694
25,80 21,50 UAH
Remains: 97 pcs
Термоклей Прозрачный 11 мм [1кг]
Product code: 027479
329,00 299,00 UAH
Remains: 11 kg
Очиститель контактов CRAMOLIN Contaclean 400мл спрей, со смазкой
Product code: 019931
515,50 485,00 UAH
Remains: 72 pcs
USB-Wi-Fi-микроскоп YPC-303 с подставкой [2.0 Mpix, x50-1000]
Product code: 051741
2 494,00 1 591,00 UAH
Remains: 3 pcs
Buy with this product: View more…
Suppressor 1.5KE400CA
Product code: 001327
7,95 6,45 UAH
Remains: 1878 pcs
Suppressor 1.5KE12CA
Product code: 001299
4,30 2,58 UAH
Remains: 1530 pcs
Suppressor 1.5KE18CA
Product code: 001308
2,58 UAH
Remains: 3515 pcs
Suppressor 1.5KE15A
Product code: 001302
2,58 UAH
Remains: 1212 pcs
Suppressor 1.5KE6.8CA
Product code: 001335
4,30 2,58 UAH
Remains: 481 pcs
Chip L 7812CV-DG
Product code: 003628
8,60 UAH
Remains: 3012 pcs
Suppressor 1.5KE12A
Product code: 000150
4,30 2,58 UAH
Remains: 1245 pcs
Optocoupler PC817C (PC817X3NSZ2B)
Product code: 003438
5,37 UAH
Remains: 1711 pcs
Suppressor 1.5KE440CA
Product code: 001329
7,95 6,45 UAH
Remains: 3717 pcs
Diode 1N4148 (in tape)
Product code: 027650
0,301 0,258 UAH
Remains: 160965 pcs
Chip L 7805CV-DG
Product code: 003689
7,82 UAH
Remains: 4942 pcs
Suppressor 1.5KE24CA
Product code: 001313
4,30 2,58 UAH
Remains: 2655 pcs
Transistor IRF3205PBF
Product code: 003378
18,70 UAH
Remains: 251 pcs
Diode UF4007 (in tape)
Product code: 029185
0,86 UAH
Remains: 19864 pcs
Diode FR207
Product code: 006216
0,795 0,572 UAH
Remains: 17592 pcs
Suppressor P 6KE350CA
Product code: 016605
3,01 2,15 UAH
Remains: 3790 pcs
Suppressor 1.5KE100CA
Product code: 000146
2,58 UAH
Remains: 1955 pcs
Schottky diode 1N5819 (in tape)
Product code: 004808
0,86 UAH
Remains: 24305 pcs
Suppressor P 6KE6.8CA
Product code: 000111
1,07 UAH
Remains: 4000 pcs
Chip LM 317T-DG
Product code: 008797
11,82 UAH
Remains: 4388 pcs
Diode UF5408
Product code: 004213
2,58 UAH
Remains: 13828 pcs
Suppressor 1.5KE22CA
Product code: 001311
2,58 UAH
Remains: 1000 pcs
Chip NE 555P
Product code: 027592
8,60 UAH
Remains: 1945 pcs
Chip HCPL3120-000E
Product code: 017335
42,99 UAH
Remains: 58 pcs
Chip L 7815CV-DG
Product code: 004639
10,75 UAH
Remains: 3905 pcs