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Module USB AtTiny85 Digispark

Arduino compatible Digispark board on AtTiny85.
Minimal functionality. Firmware via USB connector.
Module USB AtTiny85 Digispark
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134,40 UAH × = 134,40 UAH
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Digispark ATtiny85 Arduino compatible USB board is designed for programming, monitoring, control in various projects that require the use of microcontrollers or can be connected to software running on a computer. The Digispark USB controller can replace Arduino controllers in projects where size is important and a lot of power is not needed. The Digispark USB controller is fully compatible with the Arduino IDE software and code written in this environment. Digispark has support for all the features available in the IDE. The exception is the serial monitor and bootloader entry. The Digispark USB controller is a great device for beginner developers.
Before using Digispark USB, you need to download and install the Arduino IDE software on your computer Arduino IDE software . Then you need to download and install the driver to work with the board. After that, you can connect the controller directly (preferably via an extension cable) to the USB port of your computer. Your operating system should automatically overtake the controller. When power is applied, the red power LED on the controller board will light up. Next, you need to install the Digispark board in the Arduino IDE. After that, you can start working with the controller. The controller comes with pin contacts. If necessary, the pins can be soldered to the controller board.
The board has contacts for connecting power and controlled devices  "5V", "GND", "VIN". If the voltage of the external power supply is 5 V, then it is connected to the contacts "5V", "GND". Thanks to the built-in voltage regulator, an external power source with a voltage of 7 - 35 V can be connected to the controller. You need to connect such a source to the pins "VIN", "GND".

Main characteristics:

  • Support for Arduino IDE 1.6.5 and later (OS X, Windows and Linux)
  • Powered by USB or external source - 5V or 7-35V
  • 5V 500mA regulator when powered from an external source.
  • Built-in USB
  • 6 I/O ports (2 are used for USB only if your program is actively communicating over USB, otherwise you can use all 6 even if you are programming with USB)
  • 8KB flash memory (about 6KB with bootloader)
  • I²C and SPI interface
  • 3-pin PWM (more PWM outputs can be provided by software)
  • Microcircuit ATtiny85-20SU
  • dimensions: 27 х 19 х 2 mm;
  • weight: 3 g.

Description of conclusions:

All pins can be used as digital inputs/outputs
Pin 0 → AREF (ADC reference voltage), I2C SDA (Serial Data), PWM (PWM)
Pin 1 → DO (MISO), PWM (PWM), LED (LED )
Pin 2 → D/A (digital, analog input-output), I2C SCK (Serial Clock).
Pin 3 → D/A (digital, analog input-output). Busy USB+pin, if using USB.
Pin 4 → D/A (digital, analog input-output), PWM (PWM). Occupied by USB- pin, if using USB.
Pin 5 → D/A (digital, analog input-output).


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  • runner A year ago shopping_cartalready bought share

    Подключил через USB Hub и плата прошилась. Магия!

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  • runner A year ago shopping_cartalready bought share

    В platformio под linux не завелся. В мусор.

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