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Whole catalog Electromechanical and Housing ProductsElectronic housings
Product code:

Housing KM2 PS Black

Small body with mountings
Height 22mm; Width 42 mm; Length 48 mm
Housing KM2 PS Black
Manufacturer: MASZCZYK
In stock
40,32 UAH × = 40,32 UAH
from 1 pc : 40,32 UAH
from 10 pcs : 38,30 UAH ( -5,0%)
from 50 pcs : 35,08 UAH ( -13,0%)

Current balances:

20 pcs
For Online Orders
20 pcs

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Производитель MASZCZYK
Тип для настенного монтажа
Длина 48 мм
Ширина 42 мм
Высота 22 мм

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Small body with mountings

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