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Directory Electronic Component Labeling

Author: Bakhmetyev . Publisher: DODEKA , 2007 208 pages.
The color and code marking of resistors, capacitors, inductors, active elements in SMD-packages DO, SOT, devices in TO-92 package are given.
Directory Electronic Component Labeling

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ISBN code: ISBN 5-94120-002-1
Number of pages: 208
The year of publishing: 2007

The book provides color and code marking of passive components: resistors, capacitors, inductors, as well as active elements in DO and SOT SMD packages. Since the devices in the TO-92 package are the most mysterious from the point of view of marking, in the second revised and supplemented edition of the handbook, the section of domestic transistors in the TO-92 package has become one of the main sections of the book and contains more than 1000 types of markings.
For electronics professionals, repair and maintenance workers, a wide range of radio amateurs and radio engineers.

Contents of a book:
You need to know ............................. 3
SMD Component Housings ... 5
Correspondence tables for the most popular SMD cases ................ 7
Rated values ​​of resistance and capacitance (rows) .............. 9
Resistors ..................... 11
Color coding ............... 11
Philips color coding .............. 12
Non-standard color coding .............. 13
Code marking ....................... 14
Jumpers and resistors with "zero" resistance ........... 15
Code marking of precision high-stability resistors of "Panasonic" company .................... 15
Code marking of the company "Philips" .............. 16
Code marking of the company "Bourns" ......... 17
Capacitors .............. 18
Tolerances .............. 18
Temperature coefficient of capacity (TKE) ....... 18
Capacitors with non-rated TKE ........... 18
Linear Temperature Capacitors ..................... 19
Capacitors with a non-linear temperature dependence ......... 19
Color coding ............... 20
Code marking ................... 24
Codes for SMD Electrolytic Capacitors ... 26
Marking of "Hitachi" film capacitors for surface mounting ........ 27
Inductance ................. 28
Color coding ............ 28
Code marking ............... 29
Marking of semiconductor devices in the case KT-26 (TO-92) ......... 30
History .......................... 30
General principles of labeling ... 31
Types of semiconductor marking ............ 32
Alphanumeric marking ................ 33
Alphanumeric marking ............... 40
Symbol-color coding ........... 43
Two-dot color coding ............. 50
Color four-dot coding .......... 55
Non-standardized marking .............. 57
Marking of semiconductor devices in the case KT-27 (TO-126) ......... 59
DO-214AA, SMB ............81
DO-214AC,SMA .......94
SOT-23, SOD-23...............107
SOT-323, SC-70 .........164
SOT-353, SC-88A .............178
SOT-363, SC-88 .........179
SOT-346, SC-59 .....181
SOT-416, SC-75A ..............191
List of manufacturers ......... 203
List of abbreviations and symbols ........ 206
International organizations ............ 207
List of advertisers ........................ 207


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