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Dry PTFE grease KONTAFLON 85 200ml

Degreased, powder-based fluoroplastic grease
Dry PTFE grease KONTAFLON 85 200ml
Manufacturer: Kontakt Chemie (KontChem)

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Изображение товара

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Particle size: 5 um
Density at 20°C:0.84 g/cm3
Friction coefficient: 0,1
Thermal resistance:up to 260°C

The main constituent element of KONTAFLON 85 is polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) particles, which allow it to produce a non-grease lubricant. KONTAFLON 85 is practically invisible (similar to wax lubrication).

KONTAFLON 85 is an aerosol suspension of fine-grained fluoroplastic powder. Creates a layer that reduces friction, has anti-adhesive properties in relation to adhesives, effectively insulating and resistant to temperatures in the range from -50 to+260°C. Suitable for dry lubrication of electronic and telecommunication equipment units in a wide temperature range. Possesses water-repellent properties, does not conduct electric current, does not burn after evaporation of the carrier, resistant to chemical influences. A good substitute for mineral oils.

For the lubrication of rotating and moving surfaces, rotary structures to reduce friction in industrial and domestic applications.

Packaging:Aerosol can 200 ml.

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