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Flux remover KONTAKT PCC 200ml.

Removes residues of any type of flux. Dries quickly, has good penetration properties and electrical neutrality. It is not chemically aggressive, does not have a destructive effect on the insulating materials of printed circuit boards. Improves insulating characteristics, prevents leakage currents.
Flux remover KONTAKT PCC 200ml.
Manufacturer: Kontakt Chemie (KontChem)

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Flash point: <0°C
Density at 20°C:0.80 g/cm3
Evaporation rate:10 (ether = 1)

Flux residues on the board not only look unaesthetic, but can also cause corrosion and leakage currents, and small droplets of solder in the flux can cause a short circuit. The tool allows you to easily cope with these problems.

  • Removes all types of flux without residue.
  • Dries quickly.
  • Safe for coatings and board materials.
  • Provides perfect cleaning of printed circuit boards.
  • Provides increased resistance to leakage currents.
  • Improves insulating performance.
  • Has good adhesive properties.


  • Cleaning PCBs after assembly or repair.
  • Removal of residual flux in electrical appliances.
  • When cleaning, to enhance the mechanical effect, a brush attachment (supplied in the kit) is used.

Packaging:Aerosol can 200 ml.

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