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Код товара:

Vaseline technical KONTAKT 701 200ml.

Acid-free petrolatum spray.
Vaseline technical KONTAKT 701 200ml.
Manufacturer: Kontakt Chemie (KontChem)

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Изображение товара

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Colour:smoked glass
Density at 20°C:0.71 g/cm3
Temperature resistance:up to 80°C
Product viscosity at 100°C: 9 mm2/s

VASELINE 701 is a lubricating and anticorrosive agent that has proven itself in the maintenance of communications equipment and antenna facilities.

White acid-free petroleum jelly, the consistency of which allows it to be applied to parts of complex configuration. Possesses excellent lubricating and anti-corrosion properties.

For lubrication and corrosion protection of cable clamps and screw connections. Reduced friction in slideways, etc. Spray packaging is very easy to use, and the included nozzle tube allows you to apply the drug to hard-to-reach places with high precision.

Packaging:Aerosol can 200 ml.

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