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Soldering iron thermometer FG-100+tp

A specialized thermometer for measuring the temperature of a soldering iron tip. Additional K-type thermocouple.
Soldering iron thermometer FG-100+tp
NOT available.
Expected price: 945,80 UAH
from 1 pc : 945,80 UAH
from 3 pcs : 917,50 UAH ( -3,0%)
from 6 pcs : 898,50 UAH ( -5,0%)
Prices are indicated at the time of product availability and may change upon receipt

Current balances:

NOT available

Зображення товару

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Correctly measuring the temperature of a soldering iron tip is not as easy a task as it seems at first glance.
Measurement with an ordinary pyrometer will give nothing - the measurement field is much larger than the geometric dimensions of the soldering iron tip and the pyrometer will "capture" surrounding objects, while the readings of the device will be averaged over the measurement field in some way.
A drop thermocouple from a multimeter or thermometer will not provide good thermal contact.
If you use a more massive thermocouple, then the temperature of the tip will be distorted by heat leakage to warm up the thermocouple.
Often, the results of such measurements are only misleading, forcing you to recalibrate the soldering station unnecessarily, replace the heater in the stick, etc.
A thermometer for a soldering iron is distinguished primarily by a special design of the sensor, which provides good thermal contact and low inertia.
Measurement time is 2-3 seconds.
The sensor is suspended on three strings attached to spring loaded tensioners. Strings are also conductors.
The sensor's resource is limited - about 50 measurements (10 sensors are supplied with the device).

This model of the thermometer also has an output for connecting a K-type thermocouple, and is equipped with such a thermocouple with an open junction (ball).
This tempara is intended for auxiliary measurements. For example, you can measure the temperature of the air jet of a radio hot air gun, or the temperature of the printed circuit board installed on the heater, etc.
Only the results of measuring the temperature of the soldering iron tip with a specialized thermometer can be considered as an argument for adjusting or repairing soldering equipment.

  • thermometer - 1 pc.
  • thermal sensors - 10 pcs.
  • battery KRONA - 1 pc.

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