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Whole catalog Power suppliesBatteriesLi-Ion, Li-Po, Li-FePO4 batteries
Код товара:

Li-pol battery 403759P, 800mAh 3.7V with protection board

Lithium polymer battery for powering radio electronic devices. Voltage 3.7V, capacity 800 mAh
With protection board.
 Li-pol battery  403759P, 800mAh 3.7V with protection board
In stock
126,00 UAH × = 126,00 UAH
from 1 pc : 126,00 UAH
from 10 pcs : 113,40 UAH ( -10,0%)
from 50 pcs : 94,50 UAH ( -25,0%)

Current balances:

27 pcs
For Online Orders
97 pcs

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Lithium polymer battery (lithium-ion polymer battery; Li-pol, Li-polymer LiPo, LIP, Li-poly, etc.) is an advanced design of the lithium-ion battery. A polymer material is used as an electrolyte.

Lithium polymer battery is the most common power source for mobile equipment and devices today, such as: mobile phones, tablets, e-books, smart watches, headsets, wireless headphones, MP3 players, recorders, GPS navigators, power banks, laptops, netbooks , radio-controlled models and other digital equipment.

A built-in electronic circuit (protection board) prevents overcharging, overdischarging and overheating of the battery due to overcharging.

Key Features:

  • Model: 403759P
  • Battery type: Li-Po
  • Voltage: 3.7 V
  • Rated capacity: 80 0mAh
  • Protection board: Yes
  • Rated charge current: 0.2-0.5C (C - battery capacity)
  • Maximum charge current: 1C
  • Maximum discharge current: 2C
  • Allowable charging temperature: 0 ..+45°C
  • Working temperature: -20 ..+60°C
  • Storage temperature: -20 ..+35°C
  • Battery dimensions: 4 × 37 × 59 mm (thickness × width × length)
  • Weight: 18g

Features of operation of lithium-polymer rechargeable batteries

In the production of rechargeable Li-ion and Li-Po batteries, an inhibitor of chemical processes is added to the electrolyte, which extends the shelf life of the batteries without compromising their technical condition. When Li-ion and Li-Po batteries are used (the first few charge-discharge cycles), the inhibitor decomposes.
If you immediately load a rechargeable battery with maximum current without preliminary preparation for use, then the battery can be damaged (swell). This will result in reduced service life and loss of capacity. That is why, before using them, they must be discharged and recharged several times. Normal operation of Li-ion and Li-Po batteries (lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries), in principle, cannot damage them, but the battery will reach its maximum capacity only after the decomposition of the inhibitor.
In the future, Li-ion and Li-Po batteries must be charged before the moment of complete discharge occurs, since the number of charge/discharge cycles is limited. By recharging the battery on time, you can significantly extend its service life (up to 3 times!).

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  • StanislavS 12:16 08.09.2020 share

    Такой вопрос, длина 59мм - это с учетом платы защиты или без? Заранее спасибо за ответ.


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    • Денис (Менеджер интернет-магазина) 09:14 09.09.2020 share

      В данном случае это полный габарит, т.е. с учетом платы защиты.

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  • Valdis 17:40 22.05.2019 share

    Вот только полностью разряжать литиевые аккумуляторы нельзя. Если разряжать примерно до 50% то количество циклов разряд-заряд без потери емкости будет значительно  больше, чем если разряжать полностью! Не давайте вредные советы в описании! 

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    • Денис (Менеджер интернет-магазина) 09:45 23.05.2019 share

      Не понимаю о чем Вы. Прочитайте внимательнее описание. Как раз таки рекомендуется "заряжать до наступления момента полной разрядки".  (не разряжать, а начать заряжать) Т.е. не допускать полного разряда. В принципе то что о чем Вы и говорите, с чем я и согласен.

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  • YURATEPLO 10:34 19.09.2017 share

    Какие размеры аккумулятора?. подойдет вместо обычной кроны?  сколько стоит зарядное устройство к нему?


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