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Whole catalog SensorsProximity and interruption sensors
Product code:

Reflection sensor E3F-DS30C2 NPN NC Optical

Optical reflection sensor, cylindrical type. Diameter 18mm. Reflection distance 5-30cm. NPN/NC. 6-36VDC
Reflection sensor  E3F-DS30C2 NPN NC Optical
NOT available.
Expected price: 210,00 UAH
from 1 pc : 210,00 UAH
from 10 pcs : 199,50 UAH ( -5,0%)
from 20 pcs : 178,50 UAH ( -15,0%)
Prices are indicated at the time of product availability and may change upon receipt

Current balances:

NOT available

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The sensor is designed to control the position of moving objects. It is used as end and base encoders for CNC axes. The principle of operation is based on the reflection of an optical signal from a surface. Sensor response area up to 30cm. A red LED and a sensitivity (distance) trimmer are installed on the rear end of the sensor.

Key Features:

  • Optical sensor: E3F-DS30C2/CHE18-30NB-B710
  • Output type: NPN/NC
  • Triggered at a distance of 5-30cm.
  • Wire length: 1m.
  • Vcc power supply: 6-36V (brown)
  • Consumption current: up to 20mA
  • Common (ground) (blue)
  • Output: up to 300mA (black)
  • Response time 1ms
  • Power-on delay 1.5ms
  • Working temperature: -25°C to+55°C

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  • ЭлектромеханикЪ 12:27 17.11.2020 share

    с какой частотой может работать? (если измерять обороты электродвигателя, кГц 5)

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    • hkdz (Менеджер интернет-магазина) 14:18 17.11.2020 share

      У производителя не указана частота работы, указано только 

      • Время отклика 1ms
      • Задержка включения 1.5ms
      Is the review helpful?
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