Web Speech API is not supported by this browser. Install Google Chrome.
Voice input also works in Safari, Yandex, as well as mobile browsers Huawei, Opera and Samsung..
The module is a Bluetooth low energy audio receiver that supports Bluetooth 4.2, lossless dual-channel stereo playback. The transmission distance is up to 20m. Can be used in a variety of homemade DIY devices or to increase the capacity of legacy audio systems.
To power from a Li-ion battery, it is necessary to short-circuit the diode on the board:
Precautions and operating conditions:
Signal interference. Bluetooth antennas are easily affected by high frequency or strong electromagnetic signals and should be kept away from wireless and other devices. The module should not be near metal objects, keep a certain distance.
If you hear extraneous sound when connecting to the power amplifier board, the cause is caused by interference in the ground wire. It is recommended not to use a plug wire at the output of the Bluetooth module, but to solder the wire, especially the ground wire, and the wire should not be too long, the shorter the better, preferably thicker. An audio ground problem at the ground point of the power amplifier board may be related to the grounding of the audio input of the power amplifier. This ground point can be soldered in different positions for low noise audio. It is recommended to separate the Bluetooth power supply and the power amplifier board, and isolate the Bluetooth ground and the power amplifier ground.
Because this product is a bare board design, please avoid touching the components on the board with your hands, as static electricity may pierce the chip and cause it to catch fire.
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Як не професійний паяльщик, вирішив цей модуль додати у свої комп'ютерні колонки.
Все працює. Модуль дуже маленький, тримається на проводах.
Один маленький недолік: колонки від модуля грають тихіше, ніж від комп'ютера через провід. Тобто гадаю, що цьому модулю потрібен більш потужний посилювач.
Але мені все сподобалося.
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