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Normally open contact (NO) for regulating, for example, refrigerators, filter fans, heat exchangers or for switching on alarm sensors when the temperature is exceeded.
NOT available.
Expected price:150,50UAH
from 1 pc :
from 10 pcs :
( -10,0%)
from 50 pcs :
( -20,0%)
Prices are indicated at the time of product availability and may change upon receipt
A miniature electromechanical thermostat is designed to close the power electrical circuit at a given temperature. As soon as the temperature drops below the set point, the power circuit is opened again. This switching mode is suitable for use in conjunction with fans, refrigeration units, and also as a temperature sensor.
The thermostat is based on switching contacts using a thermosensitive element - a bimetallic plate. Thus, it does not have its own power consumption.
The thermostat is small, lightweight and easy to install and connect. The temperature sensor is located inside the thermostat housing, therefore it is necessary to place it directly in the controlled temperature zone.
Main characteristics:
Temperature range: 0 to +60°C
Difference between temp. incl. and off: 7 K (±4 tolerance)
Sensing element: thermobimetal
Contact type: snap contact
Service life:> 100,000 cycles (max.)
Switching. capacity (resistive load): AC 250 V, 10 A/AC 120, 15 A/DC 30 W
Switching. capacity (inductive load): AC 250V, 2A/AC 120V, 2A
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