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↠ Active ingredients
↠ Diodes bridges assemblies
↠ Diodes
Diode 1N4148 (in tape) 0.2A 100V
Issue rate: 50 pcs
(The ordered amount will be automatically rounded to 50 pcs)
from 50 pcs :
from 500 pcs :
( -10,1%)
from 5000 pcs :
( -20,2%)
94315 pcs
For Online Orders
159315 pcs
Тип Диода
Быстрый диод
Схема соединения Диодов
Максимальный рабочий ток
0.2 А
Максимальное обратное напряжение
100 V
Способ монтажа
Пайка в отверстия
Время восстановления
4 нс
Максимальный импульсный ток
2 А
Максимальное напряжения в прямом направлении, 25 °C
1 V
Максимальный постоянный обратный ток при номинальном запирающем напряжении 25 °C
25 нА
Мощность рассеивания при 25 градусах
0.5 Вт
Рабочая температура
-65°C ... +200°C
The data presented in the product description are for reference only and may differ from those indicated by the manufacturer.
To carry out technical calculations and obtain the exact parameters of the goods, use the datasheets from the manufacturer's website.
If you need additional information, or you found an error in the description, or have other questions about this product, then our manager will help you: Евгений ЗП
Клемма приборная 520SR M4 L=32mm прозрачная красная
Product code: 048098
45,14 42,99 UAH
Remains: 242 pcs
Клемма приборная 520SB M4 L=32mm прозрачная черная
Product code: 048097
45,14 42,99 UAH
Remains: 302 pcs
Коннектор 8P8C RJ45 Cat7 экранированный
Product code: 048024
27,94 25,80 UAH
Remains: 500 pcs
Гнездо питания DC-021 5.5/2.5мм пластик крепление п/гайку
Product code: 046429
6,23 4,51 UAH
Remains: 2 pcs
Гнездо питания DC-021 5.5/2.1мм пластик крепление п/гайку
Product code: 046428
5,72 4,30 UAH
Remains: 2417 pcs
Реле QYT73-012DC-HS-21 15A 1A coil 12VDC
Product code: 041121
22,79 21,50 UAH
Remains: 999 pcs
Кабель USB2.0 AM/mini-USB 1.4м синий с фильтром
Product code: 038959
53,74 49,44 UAH
Remains: 300 pcs
Гнездо питания DC-022B 3.5/1.3мм крепление п/гайку
Product code: 035442
9,67 8,17 UAH
Remains: 2384 pcs
Кабель Аудио 3m, 3.5mm/3.5mm штекер-штекер
Product code: 035321
40,84 38,69 UAH
Remains: 50 pcs
Кабель Аудио 1.5m, 3.5mm(джек)/3xRCA(тюльпан)
Product code: 035320
40,84 38,69 UAH
Remains: 118 pcs
Кабель Аудио 1.5m, 2xRCA(тюльпан)/2xRCA(тюльпан)
Product code: 035317
27,94 25,80 UAH
Remains: 100 pcs
Кабель Аудио 1.5м 3.5/3.5mm джек удлинитель штекер-гнездо
Product code: 029093
36,54 25,80 UAH
Remains: 100 pcs
Кабель Аудио 1.5m, 3.5mm/3.5mm штекер-штекер
Product code: 029092
25,80 23,65 UAH
Remains: 150 pcs
Кабель Аудио 1.5m, 3.5mm(джек)/2xRCA(тюльпан)
Product code: 029091
27,94 25,80 UAH
Remains: 200 pcs
Кабель USB2.0 ->power supply line 4.0/1.7
Product code: 026110
30,09 27,94 UAH
Remains: 200 pcs
Кабель USB2.0 ->power supply line 3.5/1.35
Product code: 026109
16,77 15,48 UAH
Remains: 300 pcs
Коннектор 8P8C [RJ45] экранированный
Product code: 005095
3,18 2,49 UAH
Remains: 10000 pcs
Коннектор 8P8C [RJ45]
Product code: 000698
1,59 1,20 UAH
Remains: 12814 pcs
Припой ПОС-63 CYNEL LC- Sn63Pb37-SW26 [0,7мм, 50 г] флюс ROL1 2,5%
Product code: 051152
208,10 194,00 UAH
Remains: 120 pcs
Вилка прямая 4мм Черная 6А 250В EH-2231
Product code: 049756
16,04 12,90 UAH
Remains: 37 pcs
Припой ПОС-63 CYNEL LC- Sn63Pb37-SW26 [2,0мм, 500 г] флюс RMA 2,5%
Product code: 046549
1 542,00 1 439,00 UAH
Remains: 19 pcs
Вилка угловая 5мм с заземлением БЕЛАЯ 16А, 250В EH-2225
Product code: 044583
40,84 36,11 UAH
Remains: 9 pcs
Припой SAC0307 CYNEL LC- Sn99Ag0.3Cu0.7-1.1.3 [1мм, 100г] флюс ROL0 3%
Product code: 044103
537,40 501,80 UAH
Remains: 30 pcs
Припой ПОС-63 CYNEL LC- Sn63Pb37-PRO [0,7мм, 500 г] флюс ROL0 2%
Product code: 044089
1 455,00 1 358,00 UAH
Remains: 77 pcs
Транзистор IXTH120P065T
Product code: 041033
515,90 472,90 UAH
Remains: 28 pcs
Buy with this product: View more…
Chip L7805CV-DG
Product code: 003689
7,82 UAH
Remains: 4265 pcs
Chip NE555P
Product code: 027592
8,60 UAH
Remains: 1882 pcs
Condenser TR 10uF 50V 5*11 105C
Product code: 025925
0,86 0,645 UAH
Remains: 468 pcs
Schottky diode 1N5819 (in tape)
Product code: 004808
0,86 UAH
Remains: 24025 pcs
Transistor BC547C
Product code: 003373
0,86 0,645 UAH
Remains: 5418 pcs
Transistor IRF740PBF
Product code: 003797
19,35 UAH
Remains: 6454 pcs
MCC capacitor 0.1uF 50V X7R ±10%
Product code: 013334
0,473 0,387 UAH
Remains: 71786 pcs
Chip L7812CV-DG
Product code: 003628
8,60 UAH
Remains: 2965 pcs
Condenser TR 1uF 50V 5*11 105C
Product code: 029538
0,774 0,645 UAH
Remains: 19669 pcs
Resistor 1K 0.125W CFR 5%
Product code: 026928
0,172 UAH
Remains: 2700 pcs
Optocoupler PC817C (PC817X3NSZ2B)
Product code: 003438
5,37 UAH
Remains: 1441 pcs
Resistor 10K 0.125W CFR 5%
Product code: 001405
0,172 UAH
Remains: 18199 pcs
Transistor BC557C
Product code: 005984
0,946 0,645 UAH
Remains: 13834 pcs
Trimmer resistor 10K 3296W
Product code: 001623
4,73 UAH
Remains: 4117 pcs
Chip TL431ACZ
Product code: 006183
2,15 UAH
Remains: 9901 pcs
Potentiometer R16110N-B100K L=20mm
Product code: 011567
10,32 6,88 UAH
Remains: 2218 pcs
Diode UF4007 (in tape)
Product code: 029185
0,86 UAH
Remains: 19554 pcs
Transistor 2N5551
Product code: 027580
0,645 UAH
Remains: 5690 pcs
DIP 8-S/60
Product code: 000390
1,07 UAH
Remains: 16445 pcs
Transistor 2N5401
Product code: 003724
0,645 UAH
Remains: 6390 pcs
Resistor 100R 0.25W CFR 5%
Product code: 001270
0,193 UAH
Remains: 47800 pcs
Potentiometer R16110N-B10K L=20mm
Product code: 013124
10,32 6,88 UAH
Remains: 2955 pcs
Resistor 100K 0.25W CFR 5%
Product code: 001266
0,193 UAH
Remains: 12534 pcs
Diode LL4148 SOD80C
Product code: 003417
0,215 UAH
Remains: 73800 pcs
Diode FR207
Product code: 006216
0,795 0,572 UAH
Remains: 17367 pcs