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↠ Passive components
↠ Capacitors
↠ Electrolytic capacitors
↠ Low impedance capacitors (Low ESR)
Condenser TE 1000uF 10V 8*12 105C 4000Hr [Low ESR]
Issue rate: 5 pcs
(The ordered amount will be automatically rounded to 5 pcs)
from 5 pcs :
from 100 pcs :
( -10,1%)
from 1000 pcs :
( -20,2%)
959 pcs
For Online Orders
11459 pcs
Hao Yin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (HY)
Тип конденсатора
С низким ESR
Тип диэлектрика
Оксид алюминия
Номинальная Емкость
1000 uF
±20 %
Номинальное Напряжение
10 V
Рабочая температура
-40°C ... +105°C
Срок службы при Tmax
4000 часов
Способ монтажа
Пайка в отверстия
Диаметр корпуса
8 мм
Отклонение диаметра
±0.5 мм
Высота корпуса
12 мм
Отклонение высоты
±1.5 мм
Шаг выводов
3.5 мм
Отклонение шага
±0.5 мм
The data presented in the product description are for reference only and may differ from those indicated by the manufacturer.
To carry out technical calculations and obtain the exact parameters of the goods, use the datasheets from the manufacturer's website.
If you need additional information, or you found an error in the description, or have other questions about this product, then our manager will help you: Евгений ЗП
Мультиметр UNI-T UT33A+
Product code: 040300
1 051,00 838,30 UAH
Remains: 10 pcs
Паяльник HandsKit-200 [220V, 200W] с изогнутым жалом
Product code: 005065
756,70 690,70 UAH
Remains: 10 pcs
Тиристор VS-70TPS12PBF
Product code: 023918
236,50 215,00 UAH
Remains: 50 pcs
Микросхема FSFR2100XS
Product code: 044643
322,40 300,90 UAH
Remains: 13 pcs
Коннектор 1/2"для шланга 3/4", GE-1117
Product code: 038257
49,00 37,00 UAH
Remains: 1 pc
Микросхема FSFR2100
Product code: 031191
300,90 258,00 UAH
Remains: 9 pcs
Микросхема FSFA2100
Product code: 029647
193,50 182,70 UAH
Remains: 51 pcs
Клемма приборная М10 стальная Черная
Product code: 047672
103,20 77,39 UAH
Remains: 200 pcs
Клемма приборная М10 стальная Красная
Product code: 047671
103,20 77,39 UAH
Remains: 200 pcs
Клемма приборная JS333A М6 стальная Красная
Product code: 047670
15,91 13,97 UAH
Remains: 800 pcs
Клемма приборная JS333A М6 стальная Черная
Product code: 047669
15,91 13,97 UAH
Remains: 800 pcs
Клемма приборная М5 стальная Красная
Product code: 047668
13,33 11,61 UAH
Remains: 400 pcs
Клемма приборная М5 стальная Черная
Product code: 047667
13,33 11,61 UAH
Remains: 400 pcs
Кабель сигнальный 6x0.22mm2 CCA неэкранированный
Product code: 045733
6,45 5,63 UAH
Remains: 200 m
Провод монтажный UL10064 36AWG (7*0.05) изоляция FEP желтый
Product code: 043548
2,92 2,15 UAH
Remains: 388 m
Клемма приборная JS555A M8 Латунная Черная
Product code: 042281
68,79 62,34 UAH
Remains: 780 pcs
Клемма приборная JS555A M8 Латунная Красная
Product code: 042280
68,79 56,10 UAH
Remains: 780 pcs
Клемма приборная JS333A M6 Латунная Черная
Product code: 042279
42,99 33,53 UAH
Remains: 675 pcs
Клемма приборная JS333A M6 Латунная Красная
Product code: 042278
42,99 33,53 UAH
Remains: 675 pcs
Сигнальный индикатор XD10-6 12VDC Зеленый
Product code: 042241
12,90 9,46 UAH
Remains: 2000 pcs
Тумблер KN3-2x2 (ON-ON)
Product code: 042237
42,99 38,69 UAH
Remains: 490 pcs
Транзистор MCB130N10Y-TP
Product code: 041339
172,00 161,70 UAH
Remains: 81 pcs
Кнопка PBS-105 без фиксации OFF-(ON) Черная
Product code: 041324
12,90 8,60 UAH
Remains: 1985 pcs
Кнопка PBS-105 без фиксации OFF-(ON) Зеленая
Product code: 041323
12,90 8,60 UAH
Remains: 1985 pcs
Скотч армированный, 50мм*25м, KT-0982
Product code: 039756
115,00 99,00 UAH
Remains: 36 pcs
Buy with this product: View more…
Condenser TE 470uF 16V 8*12 105C 4000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 037420
2,15 UAH
Remains: 10092 pcs
Condenser TE 47uF 50V 6.3*11 105C 3000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 029578
1,63 1,29 UAH
Remains: 8195 pcs
Condenser TE 220uF 25V 8*12 105C 4000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 025973
1,61 UAH
Remains: 5094 pcs
Condenser TR 10uF 50V 5*11 105C
Product code: 025925
0,86 0,645 UAH
Remains: 570 pcs
Condenser TE 2200uF 25V 13*21 105C 5000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 025971
10,32 7,78 UAH
Remains: 1028 pcs
Condenser TE 2.2uF 50V 5*11 105C 3000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 037429
0,774 0,589 UAH
Remains: 4486 pcs
Condenser TE 4.7uF 50V 5*11 105C 3000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 037407
0,752 0,645 UAH
Remains: 23935 pcs
Condenser TR 1uF 50V 5*11 105C
Product code: 029538
0,774 0,645 UAH
Remains: 19681 pcs
Condenser TR 1000uF 25V 10*17 105C
Product code: 025912
3,01 UAH
Remains: 13706 pcs
Condenser TE 100uF 25V 6.3*11 105C 3000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 025917
1,16 0,967 UAH
Remains: 21439 pcs
Condenser TE 220uF 10V 6.3*11 105C 3000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 032885
0,86 UAH
Remains: 37744 pcs
Condenser TE 680uF 16V 8*14 105C 4000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 029581
3,87 3,01 UAH
Remains: 991 pcs
Condenser HL 10uF 400V 10*17 105C 8000Hr [Long Life]
Product code: 025937
7,31 5,37 UAH
Remains: 14706 pcs
Condenser TE 220uF 50V 10*13 105C 4000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 029574
4,30 3,22 UAH
Remains: 6620 pcs
Конденсатор CD110 1000uF 25V 10*20 105C [Low ESR]
Product code: 050186
3,22 UAH
Remains: 9415 pcs
Condenser TR 470uF 16V 8*12 105C
Product code: 032882
1,93 1,40 UAH
Remains: 806 pcs
Capacitor 0805 100nF 50V X7R (CC0805KRX7R9BB104)
Product code: 036044
0,301 UAH
Remains: 260630 pcs
Condenser HL 22uF 400V 13*21 105C 10000Hr [Long Life]
Product code: 025939
11,82 9,67 UAH
Remains: 1814 pcs
Condenser TE 330uF 25V 8*12 105C 4000Hr [Low ESR]
Product code: 025979
2,79 2,15 UAH
Remains: 482 pcs
Condenser HE 10uF 400V 8*16 105C 3000Hr [Long Life]
Product code: 025932
6,23 5,16 UAH
Remains: 11271 pcs
Condenser TE 100uF 63V 10*13 105C 3000Hr [ Low ESR]
Product code: 029832
4,08 3,44 UAH
Remains: 10444 pcs
Chip L7805CV-DG
Product code: 003689
7,82 UAH
Remains: 4330 pcs
Condenser HL 4.7uF 450V 10*15 105C 8000Hr [Long Life]
Product code: 032894
5,59 4,30 UAH
Remains: 5471 pcs
Condenser HE 10uF 450V 10*17 105C 4000Hr [Long Life]
Product code: 032889
8,60 6,45 UAH
Remains: 3117 pcs
Condenser TR 100uF 25V 6.3*11 105C
Product code: 032873
1,07 0,86 UAH
Remains: 18140 pcs