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Voice input also works in Safari, Yandex, as well as mobile browsers Huawei, Opera and Samsung..
Standard two-line character indicator. 8 characters per line. The pinout is identical to Winstar, Cyrillic. 3.3-5V power supply.
Yellow background. Gray symbols. Controller ks0066. Backlight.
Standardtwo-linesymbolic indicator by8 charactersin line. Gray symbols on a yellow background. Has Russian characters (Cyrillic) in the controller's character generator table.
Controller usedks0066which is analogous toHD44780and seems like a replacement for it. Display supply voltage3.3-5V.
The pinout is identical to the indicators of the companyWinstar... The display backlight is already connected through a current-limiting resistor on the board to the display power pins. To set the contrast level of characters, you must set a resistive divider (for example, a trimmer or potentiometer) with a midpoint to the Vo pin, the rest of the ends to the power supply of the indicator.
Indicator pinout:
Using the indicator:
A microcontroller or microprocessor is required to display characters on the display. Management takes place using a parallel interface, consisting of:RS, R/W, E, DB0-DB7 (data line)... You can learn more about control from the datasheet.
This module was checked forArduino UNOusing the standard libraryLiquidCrystaland examples of sketches attached to it. With it, you can display Latin characters and numbers. Let's open a standard example sketchHelloWorld from the LiquidCrystal folder. We connect the display to the Arduino pins as described in the sketch. In line "lcd.begin(16, 2);" change 16 to 8, this is the number of characters in the line. Line "lcd.print("hello, world!");"outputs"hello, world!"on the display.
This library does not accept Cyrillic (Russian) for a number of reasons, but it can directly output any character from the character generator table. Thus, character by character, you can also display Russian text on the display. Two methods can be used for this. First method:using the function "lcd.write();". To display a character from the table, just specify its address in binary or hexadecimal format. For example, we want to display the letter "D". We look at the table and find out its address: HHHL for the upper 4 bits and LLLL for the lower ones. In binary form, this corresponds to0b11100000, in hex it is0xE0... As a result, we get "lcd.write(0b11100000);" or "lcd.write(0xE0);". Second method:using the escape sequence\x##in the string output line through the function"lcd.print();"... As##use the hexadecimal character code from the table. For example the line"lcd.print("\xE0" "o" "\xBC");" will display the inscription "House".
There are also third-party libraries, such asLiquidCrystalRus , capable of "correctly" displaying Russian characters from a string. Depending on the versionARDUINO IDEand its libraries works with varying success, often conflicting with the standard library.
Indicator character generator table:
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По температуре понятно. А вот по углам, я не угол обзора имел ввиду, а с какого направления он контрастнее? если рассматривать дисплеии винстар, например, то есть с оринтацие 12 часов и 6 часов
С трёх вольт запускается, но контраст будет очень блеклым, даже если полностью притянуть 3-ий вывод VO к земле.
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